Trigger Warning with Killer Mike is a thought-provoking and socially conscious documentary series that challenges viewers to reconsider their perspectives on various aspects of American society. Each episode features rapper and activist Killer Mike conducting a unique social experiment, presenting powerful and sometimes controversial ideas to reshape perception and provoke discussions.
In one episode, Killer Mike explores the concept of economic empowerment within the black community by undertaking a challenge of spending money exclusively in black-owned businesses for three days. This experiment aims to highlight the importance of supporting local businesses and promoting financial growth within marginalized communities.
Another episode delves into the influence of branding and consumerism by teaming up with gang members from the Crips to launch their own line of soda. This social experiment not only explores the power of branding but also aims to provide opportunities for gang members to transition into legitimate business ventures.
Killer Mike also tackles the issue of public education by reimagining the traditional approach and proposing innovative alternatives. Through this episode, the series raises important questions about the effectiveness and inclusivity of the current education system.
Trigger Warning with Killer Mike sparks conversations about race, inequality, economics, and education, pushing viewers to reconsider their assumptions and seek solutions for a more equitable society.
Also Known As:
Trigger Warning with Killer MikeRelease Date:
18 Jan 2019Writers:
Vernon Chatman, Daniel Weidenfeld, Nick Weidenfeld