Trevligt folk deluxe is a captivating documentary series that takes viewers on a thrilling journey as they follow the first-ever Somali bandy team in their quest to compete in the World Championship in Siberia in 2014. Set in Borlänge, Sweden, the series showcases the tremendous challenges faced by the team as they prepare to make history.
Led by renowned former bandy player Per Fosshaug and Cia Embretsen, the team trains tirelessly to overcome the numerous obstacles that stand in their way. From language barriers to cultural differences, the members of the team must navigate through these challenges while also trying to become proficient in the sport of bandy. The series effectively captures the dedication and passion of the players, providing viewers with a profound insight into their lives.
As the team prepares for their monumental journey to Siberia, viewers witness the true power of unity and perseverance. Despite facing skepticism and prejudice, the team supports one another and remains determined to make their mark in the world of bandy. Through personal interviews and exhilarating in-game footage, the series delves deep into the individual stories of the players, allowing viewers to connect with their struggles and triumphs.
Trevligt folk deluxe is an inspiring and heartwarming series that highlights the strength of the human spirit and the universal language of sports. It serves as a testament to the power of diversity and the ability to overcome adversity. Don't miss the chance to witness this remarkable journey and cheer for the underdogs as they strive for greatness.
Led by renowned former bandy player Per Fosshaug and Cia Embretsen, the team trains tirelessly to overcome the numerous obstacles that stand in their way. From language barriers to cultural differences, the members of the team must navigate through these challenges while also trying to become proficient in the sport of bandy. The series effectively captures the dedication and passion of the players, providing viewers with a profound insight into their lives.
As the team prepares for their monumental journey to Siberia, viewers witness the true power of unity and perseverance. Despite facing skepticism and prejudice, the team supports one another and remains determined to make their mark in the world of bandy. Through personal interviews and exhilarating in-game footage, the series delves deep into the individual stories of the players, allowing viewers to connect with their struggles and triumphs.
Trevligt folk deluxe is an inspiring and heartwarming series that highlights the strength of the human spirit and the universal language of sports. It serves as a testament to the power of diversity and the ability to overcome adversity. Don't miss the chance to witness this remarkable journey and cheer for the underdogs as they strive for greatness.