Tremors 4: The Legend Begins is an exciting prequel to the popular 1990 film, Tremors. Set in the town of Perfection, Nevada, it reveals the intriguing origins of the town and its courageous fight against the terrifying Graboids. The story focuses on Hiram, the ancestor of the renowned survivalist Burt Gummer, who becomes an unexpected hero in this thrilling adventure.
Hiram, portrayed by the talented Michael Gross, wanders into Perfection hoping to strike gold. However, he soon discovers that the town is under attack by mysterious underground creatures that are wreaking havoc on the residents. With the help of the townsfolk, including the spirited and resourceful Juan Pedilla, played by exciting newcomer August Schellenberg, Hiram learns to combat the deadly Graboids.
As the tension builds and the danger intensifies, Hiram and the rest of the determined residents devise clever strategies and use every available resource to defend Perfection from the terrifying creatures. Along the way, viewers witness the origins of Perfection and the birth of the legend that will eventually be carried on by Burt Gummer in the future films.
Tremors 4: The Legend Begins is a gripping and action-packed film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With exceptional performances, thrilling special effects, and a compelling storyline, this prequel is a must-watch for fans of the Tremors franchise and newcomers alike.
Also Known As:
Tremors 4: The Legend BeginsRelease Date:
02 Jan 2004Writers:
S.S. Wilson (characters), Brent Maddock (characters), Ron Underwood (characters), S.S. Wilson (story), Brent Maddock (story), Nancy Roberts (story), Scott Buck (teleplay)Awards:
7 nominations.