Three Amigos! (1986) is a hilarious comedy that takes us on a wild adventure with three dim-witted actors who find themselves in a real-life showdown. The movie follows the story of three out-of-work silent film actors, played by Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Martin Short, who receive an invite to a small Mexican village to perform their well-known bandit fighter roles.
Excited about the opportunity, the trio embarks on a journey to the village, not realizing that they have been mistaken for real heroes by the townspeople. Things take an unexpected turn when they discover that the village is being terrorized by an actual dangerous gang.
As the actors continue their charade, they encounter hilarious situations that blur the line between reality and make-believe. Their comedic performances and witty interactions keep the audience entertained throughout the film. The trio must find a way to live up to their onscreen personas and save the day, even though they have no real fighting skills.
With its clever humor, memorable characters, and entertaining musical numbers, Three Amigos! is a must-watch for fans of comedy and adventure. Directed by John Landis and featuring a star-studded cast, this timeless classic promises to deliver laughter and excitement for viewers of all ages. Get ready for a wild ride with the Three Amigos!
Also Known As:
Three Amigos!Release Date:
12 Dec 1986Writers:
Steve Martin, Lorne Michaels, Randy Newman