Traces is a gripping crime thriller series that follows the journey of a young lab assistant as she discovers a shocking connection between a fictitious case study and her own past. Set against the backdrop of an online forensic course, this thrilling story unravels the mysterious truth one clue at a time.
Our protagonist embarks on a quest for justice with the support of two brilliant female professors, forming an unlikely trio determined to bring a cunning killer to account for their heinous crimes. As they delve deeper into the case, secrets are exposed, and a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase ensues.
The series not only explores the dark underbelly of crime, but also highlights the strength and resilience of its female characters who refuse to be silenced. With their combined expertise, determination, and unwavering conviction in the pursuit of justice, they challenge conventional norms and pave the way for change in a male-dominated field.
Traces skillfully combines suspense, drama, and intrigue, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats from the very first episode. With its engaging plot twists and thought-provoking themes, this series promises a thrilling and immersive viewing experience that will leave you craving for more.
Also Known As:
TracesRelease Date:
07 Dec 2019