In Toy Story That Time Forgot, the beloved toys from the Toy Story series find themselves in a challenging situation after the Christmas holiday. They suddenly find themselves trapped in an unfamiliar place with a group of new and overly confident action figures. Determined to find their way back to safety, the toys must work together to navigate this strange territory and return to their child's bedroom.
The toys soon realize that these new action figures have a delusional sense of their own purpose and abilities. They are called The Battlesaurs, and they believe they are real warriors engaged in an intense battle for supremacy. The regular toys, including Woody, Buzz, Trixie, and Rex, must adapt to this new environment with its own set of rules.
As the story unfolds, the toys face numerous challenges and obstacles while discovering the true meaning of being a toy. They learn about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of sticking together. With determination and teamwork, they strive to find their way back to their child's room, where they belong.
Toy Story That Time Forgot is a heartwarming and humorous adventure that will captivate both children and adults. Join the iconic Toy Story characters as they navigate this unfamiliar world and learn valuable life lessons along the way.