Screwed in Tallinn (1999) is a comedic movie centered around Percy Nilegaard, a quirky character who gathers a group of Swedish single men for an adventurous bus trip to the vibrant city of Tallinn. Accompanied by a supposedly experienced driver, the hilarious journey takes unexpected turns as the gang encounters numerous absurd situations throughout their escapade.
As they make their way to Tallinn, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of laughter, as Percy and his companions find themselves in one peculiar situation after another. From encounters with odd locals to unforeseen mishaps, the group's trip quickly becomes a slapstick comedy filled with witty remarks and unexpected twists.
The film showcases the idiosyncrasies of its characters, with Percy Nilegaard's eccentric personality stealing the spotlight. Audiences will be captivated by his charm and offbeat antics, constantly keeping them entertained and guessing what will happen next.
Screwed in Tallinn (1999) is a humorous and lighthearted movie that guarantees a fun-filled ride from start to finish. With its blend of comedy, adventure, and unexpected surprises, this film is a perfect choice for anyone seeking a delightful and light-hearted escapism. So buckle up and join Percy and his gang on this wild and wacky journey to Tallinn!
Also Known As:
Screwed in TallinnRelease Date:
22 Apr 1999Writers:
Robert Gustafsson, Jonas Inde, Andres LokkoAwards:
1 win