Top Five is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy that follows the story of Andre Allen, a successful comedian seeking a transition into serious acting. However, when his fame-hungry fiancée, Erica, convinces him to televise their highly anticipated wedding on her reality TV show, Andre's plans take an unexpected turn. As the wedding preparations unfold, Andre finds himself questioning his career, relationships, and personal identity.
As Andre navigates through the chaos of his wedding day, he reconnects with Chelsea Brown, a journalist assigned to interview him. Their conversations become a catalyst for Andre to confront his past, reflect on his career, and reevaluate his desires for the future. With Chelsea's genuine interest in his personal journey, Andre begins to question his own comedic persona and explore the possibility of showing his true self on stage.
Directed by Chris Rock, who also stars as Andre Allen, Top Five offers a unique blend of humor and introspection, providing audiences a thought-provoking exploration of fame, authenticity, and the pursuit of happiness. With a star-studded cast including Rosario Dawson, Gabrielle Union, Cedric the Entertainer, and Kevin Hart, the film delivers captivating performances that bring both laughter and emotional depth to this entertaining and relatable story.
Top Five is a must-watch for fans of Chris Rock's witty humor and for anyone who appreciates a comedy that goes beyond surface-level laughs to delve into deeper themes of self-discovery and personal growth.
Also Known As:
Top FiveRelease Date:
12 Dec 2014Writers:
Chris RockAwards:
5 wins & 21 nominations