Top Boy is a gripping British crime drama series set in the heart of East London. The story revolves around the lives of two cunning drug dealers as they navigate the treacherous world of illicit drug trade in a public housing estate. The show offers an unflinching look into the gritty underworld of London's underprivileged communities.
The series excels in its realistic portrayal of the characters, their struggles, and the consequences of their actions. It delves deep into the complexities of loyalty, rivalry, and survival in a cutthroat environment. Viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride through the illicit drug scene, where alliances are forged and broken, and everyone is constantly seeking power and control.
With its raw and authentic depiction of urban life, Top Boy has gained critical acclaim for its exceptional writing, acting, and production values. It explores themes of social inequality, poverty, and the impact of drug addiction on communities. Alongside its intense storyline, the show also tackles important social issues, giving viewers a thought-provoking glimpse into the harsh realities faced by the marginalized.
Top Boy is a must-watch for fans of gritty and compelling crime dramas. Its engaging characters, gripping narrative, and social commentary make it a standout series that will leave audiences eagerly anticipating each new episode.
Also Known As:
Top BoyRelease Date:
31 Oct 2011Writers:
Ronan BennettAwards:
Won 2 BAFTA 5 wins & 20 nominations total