In the heartwarming film Tjena tjavo (2023), Tommy's grill serves as a beloved gathering spot for the Romani community, offering a safe haven where friends and family come together to share meals and stories. However, when a mysterious young man enters the restaurant one evening, unsettling rumors begin to circulate, causing Tommy to confront painful memories from his past.
As tensions mount and secrets are revealed, Tommy must navigate the complexities of his relationships with those around him, ultimately facing the ghosts that have haunted him for years. With genuine performances and a heartfelt narrative, Tjena tjavo explores themes of love, loss, and the enduring power of community.
Join us on a journey of discovery and redemption as Tommy grapples with his past and searches for meaning in a world that is constantly changing. Tjena tjavo is a poignant tale of resilience and hope, reminding us all of the importance of coming together in times of struggle.
Also Known As:
Tjena TjavoRelease Date:
28 Jan 2023Writers:
Bitte Andersson, Alecio Araci, Alicia Hansen