Tin Star is a gripping crime drama set in a mountain town that becomes overrun by migrating oil workers. The series follows the life of Jim Worth, a former London police detective who relocates to the tranquil Canadian Rockies with his family. However, their peaceful existence is shattered when an influx of oil workers brings with it a surge in crime and violence.
As tensions escalate, Jim finds himself at odds with the ruthless oil company representative, Mrs. Bradshaw, who is determined to expand her corporation's reach at any cost. Amidst this chaos, Jim's haunting past resurfaces, forcing him to confront his demons and protect his loved ones.
The show delves deep into the rich tapestry of small-town dynamics, exploring the conflicts between the tight-knit community and the outsiders’ intrusion. It also delves into the moral dilemmas faced by Jim as he navigates his dual roles as a protector and a man haunted by his own dark history.
Tin Star is a thrilling, character-driven series that seamlessly combines intense action, compelling storytelling, and breathtaking cinematography. Will Jim be able to uncover the truth behind the crimes plaguing his town? Get ready to embark on a gripping journey of mystery, betrayal, and redemption.
Also Known As:
Tin StarRelease Date:
29 Sep 2017