In the movie Time Out of Mind set in Manhattan, George, a homeless man, finds solace and temporary shelter at Bellevue Hospital, a facility specifically for homeless men. Struggling with his own demons and a strained relationship with his daughter, George forms an unlikely friendship with a fellow client, Dixon. Together, they navigate the challenges and struggles of being homeless in a city that seems to overlook them.
As the story unfolds, George's main goal becomes repairing his estranged relationship with his daughter, whom he desperately wants to reconnect with. However, he faces numerous obstacles along the way, including the bureaucratic red tape and the harsh realities of the streets. Through his interactions with Dixon, George gains a fresh perspective on life, friendship, and the importance of human connection.
Time Out of Mind provides a raw and poignant portrayal of homelessness, shedding light on the often overlooked and ignored individuals who inhabit the streets. Through its intimate and realistic portrayal, the movie tackles themes of loneliness, alienation, and the struggle to survive in a city that offers little compassion.
This powerful drama captures the essence of human resilience and the desire for redemption. With captivating performances and a thought-provoking storyline, Time Out of Mind invites viewers to contemplate the societal factors that contribute to homelessness and the importance of empathy and understanding in addressing this pervasive issue.
Also Known As:
Time Out of MindRelease Date:
18 Sep 2015Writers:
Oren Moverman (screenplay), Jeffrey Caine (story), Oren Moverman (story)Awards:
1 win.