Tig N' Seek is a captivating animated series that follows the adventures of Tiggy, an imaginative 8-year-old boy, and his inventive cat, Gweeseek. Together, they embark on thrilling quests to find the missing items of Wee Gee City. Set in the bustling Department of Lost and Found, the duo encounter a variety of humorous challenges while searching for lost treasures.
Throughout the series, Tiggy and Gweeseek dive into the vibrant and whimsical world of Wee Gee City, where anything can go missing. Utilizing their ingenuity and Gweeseek's impressive gadget-building skills, they navigate the eccentric residents and their peculiar lost items, leading to delightful and unpredictable outcomes.
With its clever storytelling and delightful characters, Tig N' Seek is a captivating blend of adventure, comedy, and problem-solving. Each episode showcases Tiggy's boundless imagination and Gweeseek's resourcefulness, as they tackle diverse challenges amidst the chaos of the Department of Lost and Found.
This animated series is perfect for children and families, as it combines fun and excitement with valuable life lessons about friendship, problem-solving, and perseverance. Tig N' Seek is a heartwarming show that will keep audiences of all ages entertained and coming back for more thrilling escapades in the enchanting world of Wee Gee City.
Also Known As:
Tig N' SeekRelease Date:
23 Jul 2020Writers:
Myke Chilian