This One Summer is a heartwarming coming-of-age film that follows the journey of pre-teens as they navigate the complexities of growing up. Set against the backdrop of their annual summer gatherings as a family, the film delicately explores the universal themes of friendship, identity, and the transition from childhood to adolescence. As the characters grapple with the challenges and uncertainties that come with entering this new phase of life, they lean on each other for support and understanding.
Through a blend of heartfelt conversations, nostalgic moments, and genuine emotions, This One Summer captures the essence of youth and the bittersweet nature of growing up. The film showcases the importance of connection and shared experiences in shaping one's sense of self and navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence.
With its authentic portrayal of the trials and tribulations of youth, This One Summer is a poignant and relatable film that will resonate with viewers of all ages. Prepare to be transported back to the innocence and wonder of childhood as you join these pre-teens on their unforgettable summer journey.
Also Known As:
Cet été-làRelease Date:
04 Jan 2023Writers:
Delphine Gleize, Éric Lartigau, Jillian Tamaki