The Wind Rises is a captivating animated film that follows the life of Jiro, a young Japanese engineer with a boundless passion for airplanes. Inspired by the renowned Italian designer Caproni, Jiro dreams of designing magnificent aircraft and soaring through the skies. However, his nearsightedness prevents him from becoming a pilot, so Jiro channels his talents into creating remarkable planes instead.
Set in 1927, the film takes us on a journey through historical events that shape Jiro's life. From the devastating Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 to the challenges posed by the Great Depression and the tuberculosis epidemic, Jiro's resilience and determination are put to the test. Additionally, the film delves into Japan's entry into war, painting a poignant picture of the impact that war has on individuals and their dreams.
Amidst the turbulence of this era, Jiro finds solace and love in the form of Nahoko, a woman who captures his heart. Their love story unfolds against the backdrop of Jiro's professional achievements, as he forges a deep bond with his colleague Honjo.
The Wind Rises is a visually stunning film that masterfully weaves together history and fiction. It explores profound themes of passion, sacrifice, and the pursuit of dreams. Directed by the famed Hayao Miyazaki, this movie offers an enchanting and deeply moving experience that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Kaze tachinu