In The Whopper Returns (2021), four siblings are thrust into a battle for their inheritance and survival after their mother's death. The siblings, who have been estranged for years, must come together when an enigmatic stranger asserts that their infamous childhood home, which harbors dark secrets and a haunting past, belongs to her.
As the siblings grapple with their grief and past traumas, they soon realize that their fight for control of the property is also a fight for their lives. The stranger, who presents herself as an eccentric figure, becomes a formidable adversary as the siblings uncover shocking revelations about their mother's true intentions.
Tensions run high as the siblings confront their own demons and attempt to unravel the mysteries surrounding their haunted home. With their individual strengths and weaknesses tested, they must find a way to unite and protect what is rightfully theirs.
The Whopper Returns is a gripping and suspenseful tale that explores themes of family, inheritance, and the deep-seated scars left by a haunted past. This atmospheric thriller will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow the siblings' journey of self-discovery, redemption, and survival in the face of a powerful and unknown force.
Also Known As:
The Whooper ReturnsRelease Date:
29 Mar 2022Writers:
Samuel Krebs