In the comedy film The Whole Nine Yards, a struggling dentist named Oz Oseransky finds his life thrown into chaos when a notorious gangster named Jimmy The Tulip Tudeski moves in next door. Oz's wife, Cynthia, sees an opportunity to improve their financial situation and convinces him to inform the mob boss, Janni Gogolak, about Jimmy's whereabouts in exchange for a reward.
As Oz becomes caught in the middle of a mob war, he finds himself entangled in a web of deception and danger. Trying to juggle his loyalty to Jimmy and his desire to stay alive, Oz becomes an unwilling participant in a series of outrageous events.
With his life and the lives of those he cares about at stake, Oz must navigate treacherous situations involving hitmen, FBI agents, and his own bumbling attempts at deception. Armed with a sharp wit and a healthy dose of luck, he must outsmart the various factions vying for control while desperately trying to save his own skin.
The Whole Nine Yards is a hilarious and fast-paced comedy that takes viewers on a wild ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. With a stellar cast including Bruce Willis, Matthew Perry, and Amanda Peet, this film promises non-stop laughter and entertainment. Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughs, action, and clever storytelling in this must-watch comedy.
Also Known As:
The Whole Nine YardsRelease Date:
18 Feb 2000Writers:
Mitchell KapnerAwards:
6 nominations