In the reality TV series The Wheel (2017–), six individuals are placed in different eco zones with limited supplies to endure the harsh conditions on their own for 60 days. The central concept of the show revolves around the moon, which serves as the wheel guiding their fate. When the moon transitions from full to half, the contestants are transferred to the next zone, adding layers of suspense and unpredictability to their survival journey.
The diverse group of participants includes a plumber, a wrestler, a fitness model, a marathoner, a former marine, and a nurse, each bringing unique skills and backgrounds to the table. As they navigate through challenges such as finding food, shelter, and water, viewers witness their struggles, triumphs, and emotional highs and lows.
With tension mounting and resources dwindling, the contestants must rely on their wit, resilience, and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles and outlast the competition. As they face the harsh realities of survival, audiences are drawn into a gripping and compelling narrative of human endurance and perseverance.
Also Known As:
The WheelRelease Date:
13 Jan 2017