The Tunnel is a compelling thriller series that follows the investigation into the mysterious death of a French politician on the border between the U.K. and France. The show centers around two unlikely partners, British detective Karl Roebuck and French investigator Elise Wassermann, who must put aside their cultural differences and work together to catch the elusive murderer.
As the investigation progresses, Roebuck and Wassermann uncover a complex web of political intrigue, personal secrets, and hidden agendas. They must navigate through this labyrinth of lies and deception to uncover the truth behind the politician's death.
The series is renowned for its intense and gripping storytelling, as well as its nuanced portrayal of the partnership between Roebuck and Wassermann. Both characters possess their own unique strengths, with Roebuck bringing his street-smart detective skills and Wassermann showcasing her meticulous attention to detail.
The Tunnel also delves into the personal lives of the characters, providing a deeper understanding of their motivations and vulnerabilities. Through their interactions, the series explores themes of trust, friendship, and the impact of personal demons on their professional lives.
With its high-stakes plot twists and expert pacing, The Tunnel keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. Whether you are a fan of crime dramas or simply enjoy a captivating mystery, this series is sure to leave you wanting more.
Also Known As:
The TunnelRelease Date:
16 Oct 2013Awards:
8 wins & 7 nominations