The Trouble with Bliss is a comedy/drama that follows the life of 35-year-old Morris Bliss, a man trapped in the monotonous routine of New York City. Morris is plagued by a lack of funds for travel and job prospects, living with his widowed father, and emotionally scarred from the death of his mother. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes involved with a sexually adventurous 18-year-old girl, the daughter of an old classmate. This relationship pushes Morris out of his comfort zone and forces him to confront his emotional barriers.
As Morris becomes entangled in this unusual romance, his stagnant life starts to unravel. He is finally pushed to confront his complacency and embrace the opportunities that come his way. Through his newfound adventure, Morris discovers a sense of freedom and opens himself up to long-overdue experiences.
The Trouble with Bliss offers a lighthearted yet introspective exploration of one man's journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. With its blend of comedy and drama, this film appeals to audiences seeking a relatable and entertaining story. Join Morris Bliss on his transformative journey as he navigates the complexities of love, desire, and self-realization in the vibrant backdrop of New York City.
Also Known As:
The Trouble with BlissRelease Date:
23 Mar 2012Writers:
Michael Knowles, Douglas LightAwards:
1 win