Title: The Surrogate (2020)
In this compelling drama, a web designer named Jess is overjoyed when she agrees to be the surrogate and egg donor for her best friend Josh and his husband Aaron. Set in the vibrant borough of Brooklyn, this heartfelt film explores the complexities of unconventional family dynamics and the moral dilemmas that arise during a life-changing pregnancy journey.
As Jess enters the twelfth week of her pregnancy, a routine prenatal test delivers unexpected results, throwing her into a profound moral dilemma. Confronted with an agonizing decision, she grapples with the deep personal repercussions that her choice may have on her relationship with her best friend and the unborn child.
The Surrogate offers a poignant exploration of the emotional and ethical complexities surrounding surrogacy, touching upon universal themes of love, friendship, and sacrifice. Featuring remarkable performances from a talented cast, this thought-provoking film delves into the profound connections and indomitable bonds that form between individuals, creating a captivating narrative that will leave audiences reflecting on the choices we make and the consequences they incur.
Directed with sensitivity and empathy by acclaimed filmmaker Jeremy Hersh, The Surrogate is an engaging and poignant drama that challenges traditional notions of family and poses thought-provoking questions about the nature of love and personal responsibility.
Also Known As:
The SurrogateRelease Date:
01 Mar 2020Writers:
Jeremy Hersh