The Stone Roses: Made of Stone (2013) is a captivating documentary that offers an inside look at the reunion of the legendary English band, The Stone Roses. The film, directed by Shane Meadows, follows the band members - Ian Brown, John Squire, Alan Reni Wren, and Gary Mani Mounfield - as they come together after 15 years apart for a highly anticipated concert tour.
The documentary explores various aspects of the band's reunion, from their initial meetings and practice sessions to the exhilarating concert performances themselves. It provides a unique perspective on the band's chemistry and the challenges they faced in reuniting after such a long hiatus.
In addition to the reunion, the film delves into The Stone Roses' history, offering a comprehensive overview of their influential music and cultural impact in the 80s and 90s. It features interviews with the band members, as well as archival footage and interviews with fans and industry professionals.
With director Shane Meadows' distinct storytelling style, which has been acclaimed in films such as This is England and Dead Man's Shoes, The Stone Roses: Made of Stone immerses viewers in the band's journey, capturing both the excitement and the emotional depth of their reunion. This documentary is a must-watch for music lovers, providing a deep appreciation for The Stone Roses' enduring legacy.