The Split is a gripping drama series that revolves around the Defoes, a remarkable family of female divorce lawyers. Their lives take an unexpected turn when their long-lost father resurfaces after a mysterious 30-year absence, forcing them to confront their tumultuous past. As they deal with complex court battles and personal struggles, the Defoes find themselves caught in a web of emotions and secrets that threaten to unravel the family bonds they have fought to maintain.
With an intricately woven storyline, The Split delves deep into the dynamics of family, love, and betrayal. It explores the complexities of divorce cases and the impact they have on everyone involved, providing viewers with a realistic and thought-provoking portrayal of legal battles and personal relationships. Each episode offers a captivating blend of courtroom drama and heartfelt moments, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.
Led by an exceptional ensemble cast, including Nicola Walker, Annabel Scholey, and Deborah Findlay, The Split showcases stellar performances that bring depth and authenticity to the characters. The series skillfully navigates themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of second chances, creating an emotional and compelling viewing experience.
With its engaging plot and strong performances, The Split is a must-watch for those seeking a gripping drama filled with complex characters and intriguing storytelling.
Also Known As:
The SplitRelease Date:
23 May 2018Writers:
Abi MorganAwards:
2 nominations