The Sound of Silence is a captivating drama that follows the life of a successful house tuner named Peter Lucian in New York City. Peter has the unique ability to calibrate the sound in people's homes, ultimately adjusting their moods. He believes that sound has a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. However, everything changes when Peter encounters a client with a problem that proves to be beyond his expertise.
This thought-provoking film explores the themes of human connection, communication, and the search for meaning in a bustling city. As Peter delves deeper into unraveling the mystery behind his client's troubling predicament, he finds himself questioning his own beliefs and the limitations of his profession.
The Sound of Silence takes viewers on a journey as Peter grapples with his personal and professional struggles. The film beautifully portrays the diverse sounds and atmospheres of New York City, enhancing the immersive experience for the audience. With its rich storytelling and powerful performances, this movie offers a unique perspective on the impact of sound on our daily lives and the challenges of finding harmony in a noisy world.
Don't miss this fascinating exploration of sound and its profound influence on our existence. The Sound of Silence will leave you pondering the significance of the silence around you.
Also Known As:
The Sound of SilenceRelease Date:
13 Sep 2019Writers:
Ben Nabors, Michael TyburskiAwards:
3 nominations