In the 1960s, The Shape of Water takes place in a top-secret research facility where a lonely janitor, Elisa, stumbles upon a fascinating discovery. While going about her mundane job, she forms a unique and unexpected relationship with an amphibious creature held captive within the facility. Elisa, who herself is mute, finds solace and companionship in the creature's presence.
As their bond deepens, Elisa becomes determined to rescue it from the clutches of the harsh government officials in charge of the research facility. With the help of her co-worker and neighbor, she devises a daring plan to set the creature free.
Directed by Guillermo del Toro, this visually stunning and emotionally captivating film delves into the theme of acceptance and the power of love that transcends boundaries. The storyline explores the consequences of human prejudice and the importance of empathy and understanding.
The Shape of Water transports viewers to a world where unconventional connections can flourish, reminding us of the beauty that lies within those who are deemed different. With its vibrant cinematography, brilliant performances, and intricate storytelling, it earned critical acclaim and multiple awards, including four Oscars.
This critically acclaimed film is a must-watch for those seeking a thought-provoking and moving cinematic experience that challenges conventional norms and celebrates the true essence of humanity.
Also Known As:
The Shape of WaterRelease Date:
22 Dec 2017Writers:
Guillermo del Toro, Vanessa TaylorAwards:
Won 4 Oscars. 136 wins & 350 nominations total