The School Nurse Files follows the story of Ahn Eun Young, a school nurse with special powers to see and chase ghosts. She is assigned to a new high school, where she encounters a series of mysterious incidents.
Combining elements of fantasy, comedy, and mystery, this South Korean drama offers a refreshing twist on the supernatural genre. Ahn Eun Young's unique abilities make her an indispensable figure in the school, as she strives to protect students from malevolent spirits.
As the series progresses, Ahn Eun Young forms a bond with Hong In Pyo, a Chinese language teacher who also possesses his own supernatural abilities. Together, they uncover the secrets hidden within the school and confront the powerful entities that threaten students' well-being.
The School Nurse Files not only delivers a thrilling and suspenseful storyline, but also explores deeper themes of friendship, courage, and self-discovery. The show offers a fresh perspective on the challenges of adolescence and the importance of community support during difficult times.
With its vibrant visuals and quirky characters, The School Nurse Files is a must-watch for fans of supernatural dramas looking for a unique and captivating viewing experience.
Also Known As:
The School Nurse FilesRelease Date:
25 Sep 2020