The Scent of Rain & Lightning is a captivating and suspenseful drama film that follows the story of a young woman, Jody Linder, who embarks on a quest to find the truth behind the murder of her parents. Set in the small town of Rose, Kansas, Jody's life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that the man convicted of the crime may not be the actual killer.
Driven by a deep desire for justice and closure, Jody delves into the secrets and lies that have haunted her family for years. With the help of a local journalist, she unravels a web of deceit, unearthing shocking revelations and long-buried truths along the way.
As Jody's investigation progresses, she becomes entangled in a complex and dangerous web of relationships that make her question her own perceptions and trust in those closest to her. The film skillfully navigates between past and present, slowly revealing the haunting events that shattered Jody's life and the devastating consequences they hold for everyone involved.
The Scent of Rain & Lightning is a gripping thriller filled with gripping performances, beautiful cinematography, and an intriguing storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With its atmospheric setting, rich character development, and intense plot twists, this film is sure to captivate audiences who enjoy intricate and thought-provoking mysteries.
Also Known As:
The Scent of Rain & LightningRelease Date:
20 Apr 2018Writers:
Nancy Pickard, Casey Twenter, Jeff RobisonAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations