In The Retreat, a thrilling horror film set in the Adirondack High Peaks, a man embarks on a backpacking trip only to encounter a terrifying monster. After a horrifying ordeal with the creature, he becomes stranded and disoriented, left to fend for himself in the wild. This is where the battle for his life and sanity truly begins.
As the man fights to survive, he gradually discovers that he is facing the legendary Native American entity known as The Wendigo. This evil force, deeply ingrained in Native American lore, poses a grave threat to the man's existence. With every passing moment, he finds himself descending further into darkness, questioning his own sanity.
The Retreat immerses viewers in a haunting and suspenseful atmosphere as the protagonist grapples with unknown terrors and battles against all odds. Will he be able to overcome the malevolent Wendigo and escape with his life intact? Or will he succumb to the horrors that lurk in the wilderness?
Explore the depths of fear and madness in this gripping tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat. With its atmospheric setting and intense narrative, The Retreat is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts seeking a chilling and captivating experience.
Also Known As:
The RetreatRelease Date:
10 Nov 2020Writers:
Bruce Wemple