The Ranch (2012–2016) follows the journey of four teenagers who bond over their love for horse-riding. The group, consisting of two girls and two boys, embarks on an adventure to rescue a wild stallion that has been injured. Led by Lena, they decide to adopt the stallion and establish a Ranch in the wild to help care for him and other horses in need.
Throughout the series, viewers witness the challenges and triumphs the teenagers face as they navigate the wild terrain and work together to build a sanctuary for the horses. As they grow closer to the animals and each other, they learn valuable lessons about compassion, teamwork, and the importance of preserving wildlife.
The Ranch is a heartwarming tale of friendship, determination, and the healing power of nature. Join Lena and her friends as they embark on a journey of a lifetime to make a difference in the lives of animals and create a place where they can all call home.
Also Known As:
The RanchRelease Date:
31 Oct 2012Writers:
Louise Barnathan, Vincent Costi