In the upcoming movie The Portable Door set in 2023, viewers will be introduced to Paul Carpenter, an intern working at a secretive London company. This firm boasts a team of unconventional bosses, with a CEO determined to bring modern corporate practices into the ancient magical world.
The Portable Door revolves around Paul's journey as he gets caught up in the chaos of this unique workplace. As an intern, Paul finds himself in the midst of an incredible adventure, with his ordinary life quickly turning extraordinary.
The film explores the clash between traditional magical practices and modern business ideas, as the CEO seeks to disrupt the established norms of the magical realm. Paul, discovering hidden secrets along the way, becomes immersed in a world of magic, mystery, and mayhem.
While the summary does not reveal specific plot details or spoilers, it highlights the central themes of the movie - the blending of ancient magic and modern corporations, the unconventional leadership at the firm, and Paul's transformation from an ordinary intern to a key player in a magical adventure.
The Portable Door promises to be an exciting and fantastical journey, inviting viewers into a world where the line between reality and fantasy becomes blurred. With its unique premise and blend of genres, this film is sure to captivate audiences when it arrives on streaming platforms.
Also Known As:
The Portable DoorRelease Date:
07 Apr 2023Writers:
Tom Holt, Leon Ford