The Planets (2019) is a captivating and innovative documentary series that unveils the fascinating story of our solar system's planets like never seen before. Through a ground-breaking approach, this series allows viewers to embark on an extraordinary journey across space and time, unraveling the secrets and mysteries of each planet.
With stunning visuals, expert interviews, and cutting-edge science, The Planets presents an awe-inspiring and comprehensive exploration of our celestial neighbors. From the scorching heat of Mercury to the frozen wastelands of Neptune, each episode delves into the unique characteristics and remarkable phenomena that shape our planetary family.
Witness the formation and evolution of the planets, learn about the forces that shaped their landscapes, and discover the incredible phenomena occurring on these celestial bodies. From the towering volcanoes of Mars to the violent storms of Jupiter, prepare to be transported to these otherworldly environments.
The Planets goes beyond surface-level information, delving into the latest scientific discoveries and theories surrounding our solar system. With its mesmerizing visuals and engaging storytelling, this series will captivate both astronomy enthusiasts and curious minds alike.
Embark on an awe-inspiring journey through our celestial neighborhood with The Planets and indulge in a thrilling exploration of the mysteries that lie beyond Earth in this extraordinary documentary series.
Also Known As:
The PlanetsRelease Date:
28 May 2019Awards:
1 win & 4 nominations