The Phenom is a gripping sports drama that follows rookie pitcher, Hopper Gibson, as he struggles with a debilitating condition known as the yips, characterized by sudden and unexplainable inability to throw strikes. Under immense pressure to perform, Hopper's confidence is shattered, and his promising career teeters on the edge. Desperate to regain control of his pitches, he seeks help from an unconventional sports therapist, Dr. Mobley, played by Paul Giamatti.
Through intense psychotherapy sessions, Hopper delves deep into his troubled past, including a strained relationship with his demanding father, played by Ethan Hawke. As Hopper navigates through his emotional baggage, he not only discovers the root cause of the yips but also begins to confront his fears and insecurities head-on.
The Phenom is a thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche and the complex dynamics between fathers and sons. With a stellar cast that delivers powerhouse performances, the film skillfully captures the internal turmoil and external pressures faced by professional athletes.
Directed by Noah Buschel, The Phenom combines elements of sports drama and psychological thriller, offering viewers a gripping narrative that keeps them on the edge of their seats. It is a compelling portrayal of one man's battle with his own mind, and the journey he undertakes in search of redemption.
Also Known As:
The PhenomRelease Date:
24 Jun 2016Writers:
Noah Buschel