The Pharmacist is a gripping true crime documentary series that follows the journey of Dan Schneider, a determined small-town pharmacist who takes it upon himself to seek justice for his son's murder in New Orleans. After facing a lack of answers from the police, Dan embarks on a relentless pursuit to find his son's killer. However, his quest takes an unexpected turn when he notices a troubling trend in his pharmacy.
Months after his son's tragic death, Dan begins to notice a disturbing pattern of young, seemingly healthy people visiting his pharmacy with high-dose prescriptions for OxyContin. Sensing a crisis long before the opioid epidemic gained nationwide attention, Dan becomes determined to save lives and combat the notorious pharmaceutical industry.
The Pharmacist showcases Dan's incredible dedication and relentless pursuit of justice. Through his efforts, he not only exposes the devastating effects of addiction within his community but also takes on the powerful Big Pharma. As the series unfolds, viewers are taken on an emotional and thought-provoking roller coaster, delving deep into the dark realities of the opioid crisis and the resilience of one man fighting against it.
This compelling true crime documentary sheds light on the devastating consequences of addiction, while highlighting the bravery and determination of one man who refuses to let tragedy define him or his community. The Pharmacist is a must-watch for anyone seeking a gripping and eye-opening exploration of one man's fight for justice and the fight against the opioid epidemic.
Also Known As:
The PharmacistRelease Date:
05 Feb 2020