In the 2016 film The Other Side of the Mirror, a teenage Alice finds herself transported to a dark and intriguing world known as Wonderland. Set in 1905 in the Pacific Northwest, Alice follows a mysterious man down a rabbit hole, embarking on a mesmerizing journey.
This unique adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic tale introduces a fresh twist by incorporating characters from turn-of-the-century America. As Alice navigates through Wonderland, she encounters both familiar faces and new personalities from this era, adding a layer of historical context to the story.
The Other Side of the Mirror immerses viewers in a visually stunning world, with elaborate costumes and captivating set designs capturing the essence of early 20th century America. The film offers an intriguing blend of fantasy and reality, as Alice struggles to distinguish between the two.
While avoiding spoilers, the film explores the themes of identity, self-discovery, and the trials of adolescence. Alice's journey through Wonderland serves as a metaphor for her own personal growth, as she learns to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the real world.
The Other Side of the Mirror is a must-watch for fans of Lewis Carroll's timeless tale, as well as those seeking a unique and visually stunning cinematic experience. Prepare to be transported to a world where imagination and reality intertwine, and where the familiar meets the unexpected.
Also Known As:
The Other Side of the MirrorRelease Date:
03 May 2016Writers:
Zach Hamer