The Open House is a spine-chilling horror film that follows a teenager named Logan (played by Dylan Minnette) and his mother Naomi (played by Piercey Dalton) as they embark on a fresh start by moving into a new house. However, their idyllic life quickly turns into a nightmare when they find themselves trapped in a web of mysterious and threatening forces.
As they settle into their new home, strange occurrences begin to unfold. Unexplainable noises, unsettling glimpses of a lurking presence, and even misplaced personal belongings intensify their growing dread. The tension escalates when they realize that their house is open to the public for potential buyers during an open house event, making it difficult to discern who poses a threat.
As the sinister events continue to unravel, Logan and his mother must uncover the truth behind these disturbing occurrences and fight for their lives. With each passing moment, the stakes rise, leaving them in a constant state of fear and uncertainty.
The Open House is a gripping horror film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It delves into the themes of vulnerability, paranoia, and the terror that can be found within the confines of one's own home. Be prepared for a suspense-filled journey that will leave you guessing until the very end.