The Night Shift is a gripping medical drama series set in San Antonio. The show revolves around a group of skilled doctors who return from serving in the Army to tackle the challenging night shift at a local hospital. Led by Dr. TC Callahan, a rogue Army surgeon with an unorthodox approach to medicine, the team is known for their unwavering commitment to saving lives.
Each episode follows the team as they navigate through high-pressure situations, ranging from life-threatening emergencies to personal conflicts. Dr. Jordan Alexander, the no-nonsense night shift manager, constantly challenges her team to push their limits and deliver the best care possible.
As the night progresses, the team must confront numerous obstacles, including limited resources, complex medical cases, and their own personal demons. Dr. Drew Alister, a former Army medic dealing with PTSD, brings a unique perspective to the team. Meanwhile, Dr. Topher Zia uses his extensive experience to mentor the younger doctors, including Dr. Paul Cummings and Dr. Shannon Rivera.
Throughout the series, The Night Shift explores a wide range of medical and ethical dilemmas, providing a realistic portrayal of the daily struggles faced by healthcare professionals. With a mix of intense action, emotional moments, and complex character relationships, this compelling medical drama will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Join the night shift team as they fight against the clock to save lives and find their own redemption.
Also Known As:
The Night ShiftRelease Date:
27 May 2014Writers:
Jeff Judah, Gabe SachsAwards:
3 wins & 2 nominations