The New Pope is a captivating and thought-provoking TV series that picks up where its predecessor, The Young Pope, left off. Set in the Vatican, it explores the power struggles and intrigue within the Catholic Church. The show revolves around the election of a new Pope after the mysterious disappearance of Pope Pius XIII. As the cardinals gather to choose a successor, the audience is introduced to a wide range of characters with their own agendas and secrets.
The series delves deep into the complex relationships between the Vatican hierarchy, highlighting the clash between tradition and modernity. The new Pope, a seemingly ordinary man named Pope John Paul III, surprises everyone with his unconventional approach and progressive ideas. This sets the stage for a holy war within the Vatican, as the old guard fights to maintain their control and influence.
The New Pope is visually stunning, with breathtaking cinematography and lavish sets that perfectly capture the grandeur of the Vatican. The performances are stellar, led by Jude Law as the enigmatic Pope Pius XIII and John Malkovich as Pope John Paul III. The writing is sharp and witty, provoking both laughter and introspection.
This series is a must-watch for fans of political dramas and those interested in exploring the complexities of religion and faith. With its compelling storyline and rich character development, The New Pope will keep you hooked from start to finish.
Also Known As:
The New PopeRelease Date:
13 Jan 2020Writers:
Paolo SorrentinoAwards:
4 wins