The Net (1995) is a thrilling cyber-thriller directed by Irwin Winkler that explores the dark side of technology and its potential to harm. Angela Bennett (played by Sandra Bullock) is a talented computer programmer who accidentally uncovers a sinister conspiracy while working on a mysterious computer program. Little did she know that stumbling upon this secret would put her life and the lives of her loved ones in grave danger.
As Angela attempts to expose the truth, she finds herself on the run from a powerful and elusive organization. With her identity erased and her personal life dismantled, she must rely on her intellect and computer skills to survive. As the tension escalates, Angela discovers that the digital world can be just as treacherous as the physical one.
With its gripping storyline and suspenseful action scenes, The Net keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film dives into the unsettling truths about cybercrime, identity theft, and the potential dangers of living in an interconnected world. Bullock's convincing portrayal of a strong-willed and resourceful protagonist adds depth to the narrative, making it an engaging and thought-provoking film.
The Net serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us to be vigilant in a digital era where technology can be both a tool and a weapon.
Also Known As:
The NetRelease Date:
28 Jul 1995Writers:
John Brancato, Michael FerrisAwards:
2 wins