Summary: The Neighborhood (2018–) follows the journey of a warm-hearted Midwest native named Dave Johnson as he relocates with his family to a rough neighborhood in Los Angeles. Determined to fit in, Dave faces numerous challenges in his efforts to integrate into the community and build friendships with his neighbors. The show humorously sheds light on the contrasting dynamics between the close-knit, predominantly African-American locals and the congenial, well-meaning Johnson family.
Throughout the series, Dave navigates cultural differences, misunderstandings, and occasionally inappropriate remarks with the intention of fostering genuine connections with his neighbors. Despite the initial skepticism and occasional clashes, Dave's genuine and open-minded approach gradually melts the distrust and animosity in the neighborhood, fostering an environment of understanding and acceptance.
The Neighborhood showcases the importance of bridging divides, fostering unity, and embracing diversity within communities. It explores themes of friendship, love, and family, while humorously addressing the challenges associated with building relationships across different backgrounds. This lighthearted and heartwarming sitcom provides viewers with an opportunity to reflect on the power of kindness and the potential for positive change when people put aside their differences and work towards a shared sense of community.
Also Known As:
The NeighborhoodRelease Date:
01 Oct 2018Writers:
Jim ReynoldsAwards:
8 wins & 19 nominations