The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers is a heartwarming and exciting sports comedy series that serves as a spin-off to the beloved Mighty Ducks film franchise. Set in the present day, the story follows 12-year-old Evan, who dreams of playing hockey for the Mighty Ducks junior team. However, his dreams are shattered when he fails to make the cut.
Determined not to give up, Evan's mom encourages him to start his own team, comprised of misfit kids who were also rejected by the Ducks. With the help of the legendary coach Gordon Bombay, who led the original Ducks to victory, they form the Don't Bothers team and embark on a journey to challenge the Ducks' dominance.
As Evan and his teammates face numerous obstacles and uphill battles, they learn important lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the true meaning of sportsmanship. Along the way, the series explores themes of friendship, self-belief, and the transformative power of believing in oneself.
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers combines nostalgia for fans of the original films with a fresh and modern take on the underdog story. Packed with humor, thrilling hockey action, and heartfelt moments, this series is a must-watch for both new and old fans alike.
Also Known As:
The Mighty Ducks: Game ChangersRelease Date:
26 Mar 2021Writers:
Steven Brill, Josh Goldsmith, Cathy YuspaAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations