In The Magnificent Seven Ride!, Marshal Chris Adams finds himself in a desperate situation and must assemble a team of unlikely allies to take down a notorious gang of Mexican bandits. To aid in his mission, he recruits a writer and five prisoners, forming a ragtag group of seven individuals with different backgrounds and skills. As they set out on their dangerous journey, they face numerous challenges and obstacles, testing their courage and loyalty to each other.
The film showcases the dynamics between the members of the group, each bringing their own unique perspective and expertise to the mission. Throughout their adventure, they must overcome personal conflicts and learn to work together in order to achieve their goal of defeating the merciless bandits.
The Magnificent Seven Ride! is a thrilling Western movie that combines action, drama, and camaraderie as the seven individuals band together to tackle a dangerous threat. With compelling characters and high-stakes confrontations, this film is sure to captivate audiences with its exciting story of courage, camaraderie, and redemption.
Also Known As:
The Magnificent Seven Ride!Release Date:
01 Aug 1972Writers:
Arthur Rowe