In The Lego Ninjago Movie, viewers are introduced to a teenager named Lloyd who is constantly shunned by his peers due to his father being an evil warlord. Determined to prove himself and defeat his own father, Lloyd embarks on an epic journey alongside a group of fellow ninjas, each with their own unique skills. Together, they must unleash their inner power and utilize their LEGO-like abilities to save their hometown, Ninjago City, from destruction.
Throughout the movie, Lloyd and his newfound friends face numerous challenges and enemy forces, testing their courage, loyalty, and friendship. As they delve deeper into their mission, they uncover the true nature of their adversary, the warlord Garmadon, and the secrets behind their own destinies. Along the way, they also come to understand the powerful force of teamwork and the importance of embracing their individual strengths.
The Lego Ninjago Movie is packed with humor, thrilling action sequences, and heartfelt moments that resonate with audiences of all ages. Filled with stunning LEGO-inspired visuals and a compelling storyline, this animated adventure will surely captivate viewers from beginning to end. Join Lloyd and his ninja team as they navigate the challenges of adolescence, learn valuable life lessons, and ultimately prove that anyone, even the son of an evil warlord, can become a hero.
Also Known As:
The Lego Ninjago MovieRelease Date:
22 Sep 2017Writers:
Bob Logan, Paul Fisher, William WheelerAwards:
7 nominations