In The King of Bloody Fookin' Britain, viewers are introduced to Roger Sykes and his gang, Her Majesty's Misfits, who inadvertently steal a valuable shipment of Malagasy Cocaine from a powerful mob. Desperate to make a profit, the group quickly tries to sell the drugs, only to find themselves plunged into a dangerous and deadly battle for survival.
As they navigate the treacherous underworld of London, Roger and his crew must outsmart ruthless enemies and stay one step ahead of the law. With tensions rising and betrayal lurking around every corner, the Misfits find themselves facing tough choices and unexpected consequences.
Filled with intense action and gripping suspense, this gritty crime thriller follows the gripping journey of a group of unlikely heroes as they fight for their lives and their freedom. Will Roger and his gang emerge victorious, or will they fall victim to the deadly forces closing in on them? Tune in to find out in The King of Bloody Fookin' Britain.
Also Known As:
The King of Bloody Fookin' BritainRelease Date:
08 Nov 2019Writers:
Derek Evans