Featuring a gripping storyline and suspenseful atmosphere, The Intruders (2015) follows a young girl named Rose who grapples with the tragic loss of her mother. Desperate to find solace in their new home, Rose becomes increasingly suspicious of the sinister events unfolding around her. With a reluctant father who dismisses her fears, Rose takes it upon herself to unveil the dark secrets that lurk within their seemingly idyllic abode.
As the tension rises, Rose discovers unsettling connections between her mother's death and the eerie occurrences in the house. Determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious intruders, she embarks on a dangerous journey of self-discovery, risking her own sanity and safety.
Director Adam Massey skillfully crafts a chilling atmosphere that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the film. Combining mystery with psychological thriller elements, The Intruders delves into the depths of grief and paranoia, showcasing the lengths one will go to unravel the truth.
Featuring standout performances by Miranda Cosgrove as the determined Rose and Donal Logue as her skeptical father, The Intruders delivers a thought-provoking narrative that explores the blurred lines between reality and imagination. With its engrossing plot and unexpected twists, this spine-tingling thriller is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Also Known As:
The IntrudersRelease Date:
24 Feb 2015Writers:
Jason Juravic