In The House of Flowers: The Movie, the De La Mora siblings embark on an adventurous mission to recover a hidden treasure locked away in their family home. This Mexican comedy-drama film, based on the popular TV series of the same name, follows the eccentric and dysfunctional De La Mora family as they come up with a mischievous plan to break into their old house and retrieve the valuable secret.
As the De La Moras navigate the challenges of sneaking into the property, they must also confront their own personal issues and long-standing family secrets. The film takes viewers on a wild ride full of unexpected twists and turns, as the siblings discover the true significance of the hidden treasure and its impact on their lives.
With its witty humor, colorful characters, and a mix of comedy and drama, The House of Flowers: The Movie promises an entertaining and engaging experience. Fans of the TV series will delight in reuniting with their favorite characters, while newcomers to the franchise will find themselves captivated by the De La Mora family's outrageous antics.
Prepare to be entertained and surprised as the De La Moras navigate their eccentricities, confront their past, and unlock the secrets of The House of Flowers.