In the movie The House at the End of Time (2013), Dulce, a mother of two, faces horrifying encounters with supernatural beings in her old house. This house holds a tragic event that has been haunting her for decades. As the story unfolds, the movie seamlessly transitions between the past and present to unravel the mystery that has plagued Dulce's life.
In the present day, an elderly Dulce decides to return to her childhood home to finally decipher the enigma that has tormented her for so many years. What she uncovers is a series of shocking revelations and unexpected twists that keep the audience captivated.
The House at the End of Time is a suspenseful and atmospheric horror film that brings together elements of supernatural horror and psychological thrill. It explores the themes of family, loss, and the unexplainable forces that lurk within the shadows. The movie carefully builds tension and suspense, leading to a climactic finale that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
With its compelling storytelling and well-crafted scares, The House at the End of Time is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre. It offers a fresh take on ghost stories, blending mystery and horror into a chilling and unforgettable viewing experience.
Also Known As:
The House at the End of TimeRelease Date:
21 Jun 2013Writers:
Alejandro Hidalgo, Frank Baiz QuevedoAwards:
18 wins & 3 nominations