The House (2022) is a captivating drama that explores the world of sex workers through the eyes of Emma, a writer with a burning desire to uncover their stories. When Emma is hired as a sex worker at La Maison, a high-end establishment, she embarks on a journey that exposes her to both the dangers and the emotional toll of this profession.
As Emma delves deeper into the realm of sex work, she confronts feelings of alienation and isolation, witnessing firsthand the challenges faced by those who are part of this secretive world. She documents her experiences, aiming to shed light on the complex lives of sex workers, touching on the social stigmas and the struggles they encounter daily.
Throughout her exploration, Emma also grapples with the difficulties of forming meaningful romantic connections. The film explores the complexities of intimate relationships within the context of sex work, highlighting the emotional barriers that must be overcome.
The House offers a raw and thought-provoking portrayal of the lives of sex workers, delving into the psychological and emotional aspects often overlooked. With its compelling narrative and powerful performances, this film sheds light on a taboo subject, inviting viewers to reflect on the inherent challenges faced by individuals in this profession.
Also Known As:
The HouseRelease Date:
16 Nov 2022Writers:
Emma Becker, Anissa Bonnefont, Diastème