In The House (2017), when the town scholarship program loses funding, two desperate parents find themselves unable to afford their daughter's college tuition. Determined to secure her future, they team up with a friend to devise a risky plan. Their unconventional solution? Turning their friend's suburban home into an underground casino.
Faced with mounting bills and limited time, the three unlikely partners dive headfirst into the world of illicit gambling. As word spreads, a fast and steady stream of eager gamblers flood into the makeshift establishment, setting the stage for hilarious and unpredictable situations. With the stakes getting higher and the operation becoming increasingly out of control, the once-desperate parents find themselves tangled in an intricately woven web of deception and chaos.
The House offers a unique blend of comedy and suspense as it explores the lengths people will go to secure their loved ones' future. Comedic heavyweight Will Ferrell, along with Amy Poehler and Jason Mantzoukas, deliver stellar performances that bring the film's zany characters to life. Directed by Andrew Jay Cohen, the film showcases the absurdity and the consequences that arise when good intentions meet reckless behavior.
Don't miss this wild, laugh-out-loud comedy that takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the wild side of suburban life. The House is an entertaining escapade that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last hand is dealt.
Faced with mounting bills and limited time, the three unlikely partners dive headfirst into the world of illicit gambling. As word spreads, a fast and steady stream of eager gamblers flood into the makeshift establishment, setting the stage for hilarious and unpredictable situations. With the stakes getting higher and the operation becoming increasingly out of control, the once-desperate parents find themselves tangled in an intricately woven web of deception and chaos.
The House offers a unique blend of comedy and suspense as it explores the lengths people will go to secure their loved ones' future. Comedic heavyweight Will Ferrell, along with Amy Poehler and Jason Mantzoukas, deliver stellar performances that bring the film's zany characters to life. Directed by Andrew Jay Cohen, the film showcases the absurdity and the consequences that arise when good intentions meet reckless behavior.
Don't miss this wild, laugh-out-loud comedy that takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the wild side of suburban life. The House is an entertaining escapade that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last hand is dealt.