The Harper House is an animated sitcom that follows the misadventures of a strong-willed woman named Debbie Harper, who finds herself adjusting to a new life after losing her job and relocating from the affluent side to the poorer side of an Arkansas small town. Determined to regain her and her family's former stature, Debbie tries to navigate the challenges of living in a neighborhood where they no longer fit in.
Debbie is surrounded by a cast of eccentric characters, including her husband, a former corporate executive turned stay-at-home dad, their two teenage children, and a quirky group of neighbors. Together, they face humorous predicaments as they strive to adapt to their new surroundings and rebuild their lives.
As Debbie takes on odd jobs to make ends meet, she encounters the idiosyncrasies of the close-knit community, often leading to hilarious mishaps. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about family, friendship, and the importance of embracing one's true self. With her unconventional approach and unwavering determination, Debbie sets out to regain her social status while embracing the quirks of her new neighborhood.
The Harper House offers a delightful blend of humor and heart, showcasing the resilience of a family striving to find their place in an ever-changing world. Combining sharp writing with vibrant animation, this animated sitcom provides a fresh and entertaining take on the challenges of socioeconomic transitions.
Also Known As:
The Harper HouseRelease Date:
16 Sep 2021Writers:
Brad Neely