The Great is a captivating historical drama series set in 18th century Russia. The story revolves around a young royal woman named Catherine, who finds herself torn between her personal happiness and the fate of her country when she is unexpectedly married off to an Emperor. As she navigates the treacherous world of the Russian court, Catherine must quickly learn the rules of the game and outmaneuver her cunning adversaries in order to secure her place as the ruler of Russia.
The series brilliantly balances drama, humor, and romance, providing viewers with an immersive experience into the enchanting world of Russian royalty. With its stunning cinematography, elegant costumes, and exquisite set design, The Great transports audiences back in time, evoking a sense of grandeur and opulence.
The central conflict of the series is Catherine's struggle to assert her power and influence in a society that seeks to keep her marginalized. As she faces numerous challenges and betrayals, viewers witness Catherine's transformation from a naive and innocent young woman into a strong and ambitious leader determined to leave her mark on history.
With its complex characters, intricate storytelling, and thought-provoking themes, The Great is a must-watch for history buffs and fans of period dramas. Be prepared to be transported to the fascinating world of 18th century Russia, where power and politics collide, and love and ambition clash.
Also Known As:
The GreatRelease Date:
15 May 2020Writers:
Tony McNamaraAwards:
Won 1 Primetime Emmy. 13 wins & 56 nominations total